A Mystery Remain as a Mystery

We are immersed in an enigma of profound depth, a cosmic puzzle that intertwines the known and the unknown, the perceptible and the imperceptible, the finite and the infinite. Life is a piece of this grand puzzle. We are born, we live, we love, we endure, we celebrate, and then we leave this physical existence, […]

The Alchemy of Food – Hormones, Energy, and Desires

Our physical being is profoundly interwoven with the spiritual. Food, in essence, is not merely sustenance for the body; it is the divine catalyst for the ongoing dance of life – a mystical play of creation and dissolution that feeds both our corporeal and ethereal selves. The journey begins with the act of eating, wherein […]

Feeling Blamed? – From Blame to Enlightenment

We live in a realm where every action, every word, every gesture can be seen from two polarities – either positive or negative. Our minds, these complex machines, interpret these signals and thus shape our feelings and behaviors. Think about the countless times you’ve found yourself cornered, the stinging words of blame lashing at your […]

Profound Art of Listening Beyond Hearing

We will explore the profound, yet often unperceived, distinction between listening and hearing. Firstly, let’s create a foundation of understanding: hearing is a physiological process. It is the passive intake of auditory stimuli – the rustling of leaves, the humming of a city, the symphony of birds at dawn. Hearing is mechanical; it is our […]

Death is not an end.

A river never worries about its end, because it knows that once it merges with the ocean, it becomes the ocean itself. It never fears the rocks and twists on its way because it knows they are mere lessons that help it shape its course. Similarly, death should not be seen as a terrifying end […]

Death and Rebirth – An Experience of Ajarn Patana

In my past life, the moment of death arrived as gently as the falling of autumn leaves. There was a sense of acceptance, a peaceful surrender to the inevitable transition. As the last breath left my body, my consciousness floated, untethered. All sensations faded away into a deep, tranquil silence. It was like entering a […]

Belief vs Faith: Transcending Belief to Faith

Belief and faith – these two terms are often used interchangeably in our discourse, but they have significant differences, particularly in the context of the spiritual journey. Both of these are not in opposition, rather they coexist, representing different aspects of our spiritual development. Belief is an intellectual acceptance or a mental agreement to the […]

Risking All for Enlightenment

On this spiritual journey, we are not asked to forfeit our worldly comforts or tangible assets. It is not about relinquishing material possessions, but of the mental illusions we clutch so fiercely. We are called to shatter our narrow self-images, our bloated egos, our manufactured identities that perpetuate a sense of isolation from the grand […]

Be Wealthy and Enlightened

We are here to explore a path that doesn’t necessitate the renouncement of wealth, comfort, or possessions, but rather, advocates for their wholehearted embrace. However, while embracing them, it is equally critical to ensure that we do not become enslaved by them. Often, there is a misconception that in order to be enlightened, to be […]

Spiritual Journey Through Dreams

Absolutely, let’s delve deeper into this spiritual discourse: “Beloved ones, let us further explore this mystical journey, this voyage that transcends the physical and ventures into the astral. The realm of dreams, the realm of the soul. We are not merely physical beings, confined to the tangible world. We are spiritual entities, divine in nature, […]

Patana Org
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