Yin or Yang: Understanding the Energy Interplay during the Solstices

The Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, is a time of great significance in many cultures. It is a time when the sun is at its zenith, radiating its most potent energy. This period is often associated with the masculine energy, or Yang, in the ancient Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang. On […]

Stop Pretending: A Call for Authenticity in Religious Practice

Stop. Just stop. Stop pretending to be religious when you’re not. Stop lying to yourself, and to others, about your supposed piety. It’s a charade, a farce, a mockery of the very essence of spirituality. You can’t claim to be religious while your heart is a cauldron of hatred, anger, and resentment. If these negative […]

Unearthing Wisdom: A Journey Through Teachings

We invite you on a journey of discovery, a voyage through the vast ocean of knowledge that our site offers. Each article, each teaching, is a beacon of wisdom, designed to guide you towards a higher level of understanding and awakening. Our site is a treasure trove of teachings, each one meticulously crafted with a […]

Idol Worship: A Bridge to the Formless

As I stand before the idol, I see more than just a statue. A conduit to the formless, to the divine. It is not the idol I worship, but the divine essence it embodies. I see the idol as a bridge, a pathway to the formless. There is a whole mystery to it. Many, however, […]

The Fear of Death: Embracing the Illusion of Life

Have you ever wondered why we’re so scared of dying? It’s probably because we don’t really understand what death is all about. But here’s something interesting: death and dreams are actually made of the same stuff. Think about how intense and real dreams can feel when you’re fast asleep. Sometimes they even feel more real […]

The Deep Unconscious: Exploring the Mysteries of the Dream World and Beyond

When we close our eyes and drift off to sleep, we embark on a journey to a realm beyond our conscious understanding. As we enter the realm of dreams, we become detached from the physical world, transcending the limitations of our waking reality. In this ethereal realm, our minds create a vivid tapestry of experiences, […]

Lack of Love: The Root of All Problems

Let us explore the profound concept that the lack of love is the root of every problem we encounter in our lives. It is a saddening truth that love has become repressed in our society, leading us to twist its pure essence and seek it out in unconscious and distorted ways. However, we must understand […]

Love Beyond Death

Love goes beyond death, marking the end of life. It’s always tough to say goodbye to loved ones, made even harder because we often fail to express our love when we have the chance. We need to understand that if we truly care and love someone, we can spend months apart without worrying about hurting […]

The Unknowable Realm: Exploring the Mysteries Beyond Science

In our quest for understanding and meaning, we often turn to science to shed light on the mysteries of the world around us. Science has undoubtedly revolutionized our lives, offering explanations for phenomena that were once considered supernatural or beyond comprehension. However, when it comes to spirituality and the mystic realm, the boundaries of science […]

Patana Org
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