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Translated teachings of Master Patana

Be More Judgmental. But, Observe.

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It’s not wrong to be judgmental.

Have you ever noticed that judgment is an inherent quality in human nature? We tend to compare and evaluate everything, including people, situations, and experiences. In fact, without judgment, it would be impossible to make a speech or even take action. But how can we balance our natural tendency to judge with the spiritual goal of being non-judgmental?

The teachings on non-judgmental mind are often misunderstood or oversimplified. It’s not about avoiding judgment altogether, as even the act of choosing what’s right or wrong is a form of judgment. Instead, the key is to cultivate awareness of the types of judgments we make.

There are two types of judgments: those driven by the ego and those that stem from a non-egoic state. Ego-driven judgments are often based on fear, insecurity, or other negative emotions, and can lead to harmful and unhelpful biases. Non-ego-driven judgments, on the other hand, arise from a place of wisdom and compassion, helping us navigate the complexities of life with more clarity and harmony.

Unfortunately, most of us have fallen into the trap of ego-driven judgments, often without even realizing it. We’ve been conditioned by societal norms and moralistic teachings to differentiate between right and wrong, creating negative imprints on our spiritual state. But it’s not about blaming anyone or anything, for the truth is that judgment can be a gift when used wisely and consciously.

Many of us have unknowingly adopted ego-driven judgments, but it’s not entirely our fault. We acquired this habit unconsciously due to the teachings of moralists who taught us to differentiate between right and wrong. Discrimination became ingrained in us, and we became obsessed with it. Unfortunately, these habits can leave negative marks on our spiritual state. The moralists themselves may not be at fault, as they were unaware of the deeper states of the mind when they created such teachings. Their intentions were good, but they were ignorant of the hidden repercussions.

As Buddha himself acknowledged, embracing a non-judgmental mindset is one of the hardest challenges of spiritual practice. However, the rewards are immeasurable. When we learn to observe our judgments without attaching to them, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. We can release our negative biases and cultivate a more open and compassionate heart.

In the end, the ultimate goal is to transcend all forms of judgment, even the non-egoic ones, and enter a state of pure awareness and oneness. In deep meditation or samadhi, all distinctions and comparisons dissolve, and we experience a state of profound peace and unity with all that is. So, let us approach our judgments with curiosity and awareness, striving to embrace the wisdom of non-judgmental mind in all aspects of our lives.

In the spiritual realm, we come to understand that our judgments of others are not a true reflection of the person being judged, but rather a projection of our own inner state. Our perceptions are colored by our experiences, beliefs, and emotions, which in turn shape our outlook on the world. When we judge someone else, we are actually revealing our own character and spiritual state. It is through this realization that we can begin to cultivate compassion and understanding, and move towards a more enlightened state of being.

But, Don’t Stop Judging! Instead, Be More Intense! But, Observe Them!
Transform Negative Judgments Into Powerful Tool for Spiritual Growth!

It is essential to not simply stop judging, but rather to engage in a conscious and intentional process of judging, even negatively. By creating and observing these negative judgments with intensity and awareness, we can gain greater insight into our own thought patterns and tendencies. Through this process, we can learn to recognize the negative judgments as they arise, and we can begin to understand their true nature and purpose. As we continue to bring our conscious awareness to these judgments, we may begin to realize their ultimate futility and find a deeper sense of peace and clarity. It is in this way that we can transform our negative judgments into powerful tools for self-discovery and spiritual growth. The next time you want to judge someone or situation, DO NOT SAY “I’m not trying to be judgmental” or “I’m not judging” Simply recognize and be truthful that you can’t stop it, you want to make a judgement now! Recognize, “I’m judging!”, intensify it, add more to it! But observe with all complete awareness as you judge! You will soon realize the ultimate futility.

Patana Org
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