Charity Based - By Respectable Ajarn Patana


Trusted by 1000s of followers since 2009. We thank followers from US, Australia, UK, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam, Italy. Thank you for your kind contributions and to help spread good teachings of Ajarn Patana.


Powerful White & Black Magic.
Extreme Love Spells, Powerful Wealth Ritual. Change Karma & Destiny

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This site is maintained by followers of master. It is to serve and help people who do not have access to true spiritual service, and who do not understand the Thai language. We are truly charity based, and we believe that our work will build up good merits for ourselves. And merits are what we want to gain from this work and to spread the good guidance from Master Patana. People who do not trust us, or have doubt about master. You may request a visit to master, meeting with master is once a year. As master is not commercialize, he always insist to stay low profile while spreading his teachings through his followers. Finally, if you have doubt due to any reasons, please send us an email before making any false claims or assumptions of this site and of master.

We are Charity Based. Payments will go towards coffin building to help lonely deceased, medical purposes, temple building, education for the poor. We are non-profit, and please note that this is a spiritual service, results will vary for different individual according to their current life's karma. However, for any person who are willing to follow master's advise you will surely experience change in your life path. You will be able to get more wealth, get the perfect love life and towards success in life.

Last Completed Ritual:14/02/2025
Rituals In Queue: 7
Fortune Readings In Queue: 8

Real & Trusted Black Magic By Real Master of Cambodia & Northern Thai Lanna Black Magic.

Master's Ritual: A follower saw the statue moves during master's chanting and video this. Watch the spirit drinking and moving during a ritual

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ā†ÆInformation & Warnings.ā†Æ
Please note that what master summons here is different from what you have seen or heard from other spells casters. Spirits of the child are summoned here, and are extremely powerful to help you with any desire you want.
Please do not engage this service out of curiosity. Please also respect our believe, and if you do not trust this site, please do not engage any service from us. We are non-profit.
All rituals are done by our Master (AJARN PATANA) of Chiangmai through powerful Thai Cambodian black/white magic.

Fulfil Your Innermost Desires With Powerful Spells Rituals!
Changing Your Destiny is 100% Possible!

Most black magic spells you have came across online are 99% fake and scams. We don't profit, and we don't keep asking for more money from you. We want you to be successful and help you get what you want and in return you make merits for people who needed help. We believe that we will gain merits by helping, and that is all we want. There is a reason why you are here on this site. It is your life mission and believed to be a chosen one to help more people.

Reason why you are facing all troubles in your life…
Lost Your Love? Lost Your Wealth?
Experiencing Stress and Unexpected Turmoil In Life?
It is merely an effect of your past karma…
Only by resolving your karmic problem,
you will be able to resolve your problems.
There is a Chance of Ultimate Success in Everyone’s Life.
Read on to understand how Ajarn Patana can help you succeed.

Do you know that your life has been led unconsciously by all your past karma? Simply look at your life now, the house that you resides in, the job you are in, your love life, your finance status, were these choices consciously made by you? Or was it all fated? Could you even plan your life? How many times have you failed in planning what you actually desire in your life? None? Always making wrong choices in life?

ItĀ wasĀ sinceĀ your birthĀ thatĀ allĀ your pastĀ karmaĀ startsĀ to unfold for you and you are still unsure the true reason of your birth on earth. The countryĀ you areĀ bornĀ in, the familyĀ youĀ are bornĀ to,Ā yourĀ race, your language, and your health were all destined by past karma.

Trust That The Natural Law of Karma is Fair

AndĀ onlyĀ by trulyĀ knowing, and understanding the roots of yourĀ past karma, resolveĀ it, then you will be able to open up the positive karmicĀ pathĀ in yourĀ life. AndĀ youĀ canĀ beĀ in better control ofĀ situationsĀ and resultsĀ youĀ desire. Destiny can be changed, simply by understanding and altering your past karma.

Trust That All Effects of Past Karma Are INSTANT.

KarmaĀ referringĀ toĀ actionsĀ willĀ result in instant effect in anyone’s life. It occurs instantly back to your life when the victim of your karma (action) has gone through the entire process of the sufferings you have given.Ā  For example, if you hit someone, and your victim suffers pain, suffers humiliation, or any impact that follows due to your action will effect on you as soon as he or she has gone through theĀ  sufferings.Ā  Karma is instant, and there is never a delay in effects of karma. The effects of negative karma will slowly bring turmoil in your life, it will start unfolding with immediate effect, unfolding situations that will lead you to the exact same form of sufferings that you have given to another person.Ā Ā Situations will keep on unfold to lead you to the same sufferings until your death, and continues until your next rebirth.Ā Remember that all karma are instantaneous.Ā  Ā Be it good or bad.

You Are Stuck In A Karmic Cycle,
You Can’t Plan Your life Because Effects of Past Karma Keeps Unfolding!
How many Negative Karma Have You Seeded?

One can get stuck in what we call a karmic cycle for a long time and experience similar problems over and over again. It is important to understand that these are also known as karmic lessons. It is a reflection of your past actions, your past thoughts, even negative words spoken towards another person can bring upon a karmic effect on yourself. All of us live by the natural law of karma. No one can get away with it, but there is a secret method which is practiced by highly attained masters to help one identify and make change to their past karma.

WhenĀ youĀ are sufferingĀ inĀ a karmicĀ cycle (karmicĀ lessons) itĀ isĀ toĀ putĀ you throughĀ aĀ test,Ā a punishmentĀ thatĀ let youĀ experienceĀ theĀ sameĀ formĀ of sufferings thatĀ youĀ haveĀ once givenĀ toĀ others. (It re-enacts in a different environment, in a different situation for you, but with the exact same form of sufferings you have once given to others. ) YouĀ canĀ be liberatedĀ from these sufferingsĀ onlyĀ if youĀ could understandĀ the roots of these problems. ButĀ understandingĀ theĀ karmicĀ lessons isĀ alwaysĀ theĀ mostĀ difficultĀ partĀ for everyone.

Getting Out Of Your Karmic Cycles, Stopping the Negative Effects.
And Get What You Desire. Love, Wealth & Power.

YouĀ willĀ notĀ getĀ outĀ ofĀ theĀ effectsĀ ofĀ yourĀ karma (your karmic lessons) if you don’t identify the root cause of it. But once you can identify it, you will be able to put a stop to the entire karmic cycle and have a fresh start in life. Master Patana who is spiritually highly attained can help you identify the root cause and give you the guidance to lessen the impact of the effects of your past karma.Ā  Everyone has a different configuration of the effects of karma and it has to be dealt with individually.Ā 

“OurĀ body will die eventually,Ā butĀ ourĀ soulĀ willĀ liveĀ onĀ 
andĀ continuesĀ toĀ goĀ throughĀ theĀ effectsĀ ofĀ karma through next life.”
– Ajarn Patana –

Different Types of Karma,
Learn How Black or White Magic Rituals
or Holy Spirits Can Help You Get What You Desire.

See,Ā whatĀ youĀ areĀ goingĀ throughĀ nowĀ isĀ simplyĀ anĀ effectĀ ofĀ karma, theĀ situationsĀ areĀ unfoldingĀ throughoutĀ theĀ months, years or decades thatĀ will leadĀ youĀ toĀ anĀ endĀ result.

  • Karma Effects from the Dead.

If the effect of your past karma that is currently being unfolded were leading from your past life, chances are that these people whom you have once offended were no longer alive. And their souls (if revengeful or if there are still anger) will continue to create more turmoil in your life.

Their energy of hatred, and anger will be powerful to createĀ  ongoing problems in your life.Ā  It can even cause influences to your mind that cause you to make bad decisions that will lead you to more sufferings. This form of karma effect occurs in everyone’s life.

AĀ ritualĀ toĀ dedicateĀ merits,Ā andĀ toĀ deliverĀ apologiesĀ toĀ appeaseĀ theseĀ souls (past life creditors) areĀ oftenĀ theĀ priorityĀ which masterĀ will perform to lessen theĀ impact ofĀ the karma effect, and in many case this ritual can eliminate this form of karma effect entirely.

  • Karma Effects In Current Life

RememberĀ thatĀ allĀ pastĀ karma (actions) of yours will occur back to you instantaneously, and never a delay? Yes, it will start processing the next second following your actions, unfolding the situations that may take months or years until you reach the right moment that let you experience the exact form of sufferings you have once given to others.Ā 

Current life’s karma effect are karma which you have created in earlier life. ThisĀ formĀ of karma effect can be stoppedĀ  in the path if you repent on the wrong doings, and knowing exactly the wrong you have done in earlier part of your life. The impact of theĀ past karma can be lessen through merits delivery and repentant. (Remember? Any karma response instantly?) A merits making ritual is a form of good karma, once delivered the karma effect should equally respond back immediately, and thus neutralizing any effects of the negative karma effects.Ā 

  • Types of Magic – Difference of White and Black Magic

    Black magic –Ā using spells, incantations or psychic abilities to manipulate the powers of the universe to serve someone’s interests. Black magic usually with the involvement of spirits to influence someone’s mind, causing a change in their decisions. Such influences is through incantation and powerful psychic abilities from an adept spiritual master.Ā  And this form of ritual can also be use to quickly advance someone’s karma effect, and it can bring a person to hysterical state when all effects of his or her karma happens all at once. This may also lead to results of sickness if sickness or any major illness are the destined end results of his or her karmic sufferings.Ā  Ā Souls or powerful spirits can also be summoned to possess or to steal treasures too for you.

    White Magic
    –Ā  ThisĀ isĀ aĀ form of magic via compassion and merits delivery towards one’s past karma, and the merits are usually delivered to past life’s creditors and to ask for forgiveness. (WeĀ donateĀ to charity as merits delivery.) When one donates generously, more negative karma effect can be neutralized as well. And this form of merits delivery ritual works best for wealth bringing and opening up wealth luck, and windfall. A white magic ritual will also involve invitation and binding of holy spirits to give clearĀ  spiritual guidance to a person. Such spiritual guidance can occur in dreams, and be powerful enough to lead one to ultimate success and also to warn someone of dangers or risks and can also “physically”Ā protectĀ oneĀ inĀ theirĀ karmicĀ path.

    Energy/AuraĀ ChangingĀ MagicĀ –Ā ThisĀ formĀ ofĀ magicĀ isĀ via incantation, invitation of spirits, or channeling energies of spirits onto a foreign object (usually an amulet). When this object/amulet is worn on someone, it will create a protection or enhances different forms of aura around the wearer.

    All forms of magic can help one to achieve what they desire in life.

“TheĀ MoreĀ Generous You Are In Making Merits,Ā 
The More PositiveĀ Change You’ll Experience In Your Karmic Path.”

How to get started and Make change to your Destiny?

MasterĀ Patana can give you the answer and help youĀ identify what’s your karmaĀ isĀ allĀ aboutĀ throughĀ hisĀ meditation. All karma of one are recorded in the higher planes (the universe), it works just like a cloud storage that records any activities. Any spiritually attained masters or monks can access and retrieve the information from these planes.Ā Master will be able to give you advice on how to resolve your karma and advice on what you should do to advance your good karma.


STEP 1: Choose the main problem you want to resolve

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